SBAB are in Birmingham. SBAB are European. SBAB at the Birmingham European Festival. Woohoo! SBAB are on a an adventure! We’ll be showing our wares to the continental majority at 7pm on Friday with a truncated (but compact and bijou) thirty minute edition of If Destroyed Still True. In the meantime we are enjoying a plethora of workshops and meals laid on by the BE team.… Read on...
Category: If Destroyed Still True
Buzzcut Glasgow 17th March 530pm!
Saturday 17th March at 17.30 at The Old Hairdressers. GLASGOW (as part of the Buzzcut Festival!)
Showing Them Our Bits / Upcoming Dates
Hello world.
Well, we went to the Roundhouse, we showed some bits and we got some feedback. A sea of seemingly angry faces stared at us as we hit them with a flurry of text about possessions, The Shining and alter-ego theatre companies. Fortunately, the anger was only a misperception from inside the trappings of our performance and the feedback session afterwards was useful and constructive, with some engaging and deeply responsive feedback. It has definitely made us think further about the text in relation to the performance style we have chosen to adopt so far, and the general consensus was that even if it is confusing it is never unengaging because of that. In fact some people could have handled further confusion; you don’t have to tell us twice!… Read on...
it only took a year…
Yes, it only took a year, but we finally edited some snippets of video of the last show.
Now we just need to get ahead of ourselves and make some stuff for the new show – surely not possible?!… Read on...
loop of feedback
If Destroyed Still True thanks for the feedback….it’s striking it’s misinterpreted emotion it’s brave it’s Inland Empire it’s the lifeforce passing between generations the red string it’s about the umbilical cord when the tape becomes saturated if you play it too many times it will break they’re the male and female the animals become human it’s improvised it’s too empty, it’s too much, it’s Adam & Eve gone wrong, it’s Oedipal, it’s lady and the tramp gone wrong Disney are going to issue a lawsuit it’s not funny, it’s the fight between generations it’s Sun, Sex & Suspicious Parents I need a few days it’s gone wrong it’s not very serious, it’s hilarious, it’s nothing, it’s chaos but not entropy it’s the cosmos there was no table in it it’s not Superman but it is in 3D it’s tense it’s Freudian there’s no pine disinfectant on the floor it’s about a family it’s got everything a play should have it’s nightmares come to visit it’s about time moving forwards and backwards it’s about predators and prey it’s sickening and gratuitous it’s all about the sea it’s naked experimentation it’s got everything I wanted it’s what you make of it it’s beautiful it reminded me of working in an old people’s home you’ve got lovely bodies it’s the best kind of violence I could look at your beautiful bodies all day this play they need more pace, humour, characterisation and ideas, it’s like peanut butter, some like it smooth some like it uncertain there’s a lot of things, there’s not much to go on, it softly asks questions, it’s uncertain it’s ambiguous, he’s cupid, they’re the perfect couple, he’s evil, your eyes are scary, i got the giggles, I’ll need a few days to think about it…I’ve been thinking about the cosmos, I dreamt of rocks last night…the rock from your play, I’ll never forget the spitting, it’s abstract, it’s images that melt away, it’s an unashamed admission of incoherence and inconclusiveness, it’s breathtaking pathos, it’s disquieting and bamboozling…again thanks for your thoughts so far and thanks for your support if you have any more feel free to comment…
… Read on...Aesthetica Magazine Review
SBAB Interview in the Venue
Click on GSBAB (above) to read Steve Wright’s Venue Interview with us.… Read on...
Theatrebristol Showcase Article
“The idea of murder frequently evokes the idea of sea and seafarers. No precise image of sea and seafarers may at once spring to mind: it is rather that Murder surges over our thought in breakers of emotion. If we suppose seaports to be theatre of recurrent crimes, then the explanation is simple and need not detain us; but the chronicles are numberless from which we learn that the murderer was a man of the sea – either in reality or imagination – and if the latter, then crime will have less affinity with the sea.” Jean Genet Querelle of Brest… Read on...