This illustrious happy-hard-theatre group, SeDAted By A Brick will be DA DA ing
02nd May at the Cube Microplex, Bristol after 8 PM
Bristol based theatre company producing live performances and events
This illustrious happy-hard-theatre group, SeDAted By A Brick will be DA DA ing
02nd May at the Cube Microplex, Bristol after 8 PM
For flour to explode, it must form a highly dispersed dust. Approximately two ounces (56 grams) of flour suspended in a cubic yard (one cubic meter) of air will have explosive properties. If a flame is introduced to the flour dust, the individual flour particles will burn. If the dust cloud is large enough, a flash fire inside the dust cloud will result, which can create a serious explosion.
Flour explosions are a much larger risk in areas where large amounts of flour are handled. Although a small dust cloud of flour might ignite in a home kitchen, the damage would probably not be severe. In a grain elevator or flour mill, however, the potential for a very large cloud of flour or grain dust is much higher.… Read on...
I’m very excited to be able to say that we finally have a copy of the ERMAZING “Der Todesking” winging its way towards us…
No other film director, perhaps with the exception of Bunuel, captures “the epic decaying image” or the tableau mort to the extent we are using for our piece. His use of these setups to explicate the differences between living and dead are useful to us; and his films hint to the connectedness beyond physicality, even through it into viscerality, that we are also trying to create in our piece.
The often clear demonstrative process used by the film-makers and the phoneyness of the props and actions interests us too:
plus the exquisite music of Hermann Kopp
Unfortunately, its very difficult to get hold of “Schramm” – another classic Buttgereit film – so here’s some trailers:
wicked trailer
you might want to avert your eyes at the end
audio optional on this one