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Trains Leaves Towns – Scratch

hellos come and watch serated by a knifes (that other theatre companies) as we’s present a first scratch reduxs of the shinings starring elton johns bernard mannings and kate bushs next tuesdays . As well as the knifes there ares the littles axes and severals peoples called toms who ares really goods performing.

Come and see its click heres

Sedated by A Brick – Bristol based performance company Sedated By A Brick present Birmingham based performance company Serrated By A Knife present Bristol based performance company Sedated By A Brick
Sedated By A Bricks first noticed they were disappearing inside another performance companies when everythings boring started multiplyings and pluralisings. Who knows what futures holds, what adventures lies beyond horizons? Will Kate Bushes, Elton Johns and Bernard Mannings fade into non existences or bursts forths in a fits of excitements?

