Hi SBAB fans. It’s been a while. But we have not been resting on our laurels. Oh no, we are in fact deep within the process that is variously known as SBAB module 3 or The Quiet Radicalism project. We started our thinking about this project by musing upon what it is to be radical. At the time we were all aware that we are alternative to one extent or another; we embody extremes. However, none of us really make a point of telling others about it. This extends into our SBABby practise in that we don’t really make work that is directly about us, which is a very common trope in current theatre practise, which is great- we just don’t do it.… Read on...
Category: Research
DA DA DA – Cube, Bristol, 02nd May 2013
This illustrious happy-hard-theatre group, SeDAted By A Brick will be DA DA ing
02nd May at the Cube Microplex, Bristol after 8 PM
SBABSKAB Rehearsal Montage
Prototyping – Sunday 28th October at Tobacco Factory
SBAB will be Prototyping this Sunday 28th October at Tobacco Factory. Come and see where we’ve got to with our ShiningEltonKateBernarddoppelgäanger Medley performance.
See Tobacco Factory Theatre Here
Below images courtesy of Word Of Warning from performance at Emergency 13, Manchester
9 Questions for 9 Beginnings – Answered by Matthew Goulish, Dramaturg
Sedated By A Brick got to ask Matthew Goulish 10 questions about his performance ‘9 Beginnings’.
9 Beginnings is a performance from Every House Has a Door developed in response to an invitation from Performing Documents. Every House Has A Door will restage the beginnings of 9 historical performances by 9 different artists or companies found in the Arnolfini archive or University of Bristol’s Live Art Archives, and re-imagine them as a new composition.
Read it here:
Kate Bush Hooligan Chant/ KBFC Workshop
Thankyou for all your Kate Bush Hooligan Chant requests…We’ve been approached by a football chant expert who is going to run a workshop with us next Wednesday. We’ll try out said songs there…get in touch if you want to join in….
meanwhile we’ve been speculating about what the most sinister English accent is….if you’ve got a really evil sounding voice come along….… Read on...
The Kate Bush Hooligan Chant
Hastily put together this morning by two of SBAB, the world gets a first glimpse of the little know ritual, The Kate Bush Hooligan Chant
NEWSFLASH! – Camden 31st January
We have just found out that we will be performing the beginnings of the new show as part of Show Us Yer Bits at The Roundhouse in Camden on 31st January!
If you are in the area and would like to come see our alter-ego theatre companies’ adaptation of the Shining and hear a story about celebrities on the run please visit www.getinthebackofthevan.com for details of how to book a FREE ticket!
SBAB X… Read on...
Trains Leaves Towns – Scratch
hellos come and watch serated by a knifes (that other theatre companies) as we’s present a first scratch reduxs of the shinings starring elton johns bernard mannings and kate bushs next tuesdays . As well as the knifes there ares the littles axes and severals peoples called toms who ares really goods performing.
Come and see its click heres
Sedated by A Brick – Bristol based performance company Sedated By A Brick present Birmingham based performance company Serrated By A Knife present Bristol based performance company Sedated By A Brick
Sedated By A Bricks first noticed they were disappearing inside another performance companies when everythings boring started multiplyings and pluralisings. Who knows what futures holds, what adventures lies beyond horizons? Will Kate Bushes, Elton Johns and Bernard Mannings fade into non existences or bursts forths in a fits of excitements?… Read on...